Publication Date: December 17, 2008 ISBN-10: 044310283X ISBN-13 :978-0,443,102,837 | Version: 2
Understanding of the health movement and posture deformation fascia’s role is critical to the bodyworkers and movement therapists. Anatomy trains: myofascial meridians manual and movement therapists provide a unique “whole system” view of myofascial / functional anatomy of connection in muscle fascia within the bodywide network between the first detailed description a. Use the metaphor of the railway and the train line, Myers how to react in a mode of communication, to promote the stability of posture Compensation and run through myofascial “tape”. Anatomy trains written style, making it easy to understand and provide a convenient and comprehensive explanation of myofascial system in the structure and function of the body’s anatomy. Included in the back of the book, DVD ROM technology, anatomy the myofascial meridian line of the train anatomy and computer animation based video.
11 myofascial meridians, including full-color illustrations and rules found in other meridians
. Use a lot of full-color charts and graphs detail in the meridians muscle and fascia structure
. Provide information on the structure and movement mode of assessment, and application practices in the treatment and movement education
. Technology offers a choice from the library of structural integration
. Including the introduction of the fascia system as a whole, with a point of view and the latest research results fascia system reaction
. Provides an interesting way to learn the basic structure of the anatomy, comparing the connective tissue system of railway network
. Video material on the anatomical drawings DVD ROM as described in the book, presented in the visual.
Full color throughout the
. The new design and layout
. 140 new full-color digital anatomy photos and customer photos.
. DVD ROM in the back of the book
. “Structural integration” and “myofascial meridians and oriental medicine, a new Appendix
. Also released a new poster.
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