Publication Date: February 7, 2009 ISBN-10: 0415489288 ISBN-13 :978-0415489287 Edition: 3
Clear Access, a framework for analysis opens a new way to understand the architecture. It provides a unique building strategy of the “notebook”, elements and concepts in architectural design, a fascinating introduction. Beautifully illustrated throughout the author’s original drawings, examples from around the world, and many periods of architectural history (from prehistoric times to the most recent) to illustrate the theme of the analysis, and diagrams can be used to study architecture. Since its first version appeared in 1997, the analytical framework has been established in the international architectural education key text.
This third edition includes a new section to discuss how to cultivate an instance of the design capacity analysis. Original chapters have been expanded, new case studies, and additional definition format rearrange. The bibliography of recommended supplementary reading has also been extended.
The obvious analytical framework, Simon Unwin clearly identify the key elements of the architecture and concepts buildings and other construction works, such as gardens and urban-related topics. He described his idea for the design during the activation process. Unwin’s grammatical structure of the themes and action, public basic model, revealed the organization’s strategy, the building under the surface phenomena.
Explore the building as a result of the interaction with the world around them, the analytical framework provides a schema definition for “recognition of the place, and to provide a greater understanding of architecture as a creative discipline. This book for readers to develop their ability to provide a powerful impetus for the architectural design. It will also use all those interested in space occupation and participation of the people – anthropologists, archaeologists, film production, installation artist, planners, urban designers, politicians.
A companion Web site will www.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415489287,.
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