Publication Date: July 29, 2008 ISBN-10: 0813343585 ISBN-13 :978-0813343587 | Version: 3
Classic text to solve one of the most important issues in modern social theory and policy issues: how to be reproduced from one generation to the next social inequality. With the publication in 1987, is not gold ‘Jay MacLeod brought us to the Clarendon Heights housing project, we encountered a “brother” and “corridor hanger.” Their stories, poverty, race, and failure touched readers and challenges racial prejudice. MacLeod’s return eight years after the 1995 amendments, revealed little to improve the lives of these people, because they are struggling in the labor market, the underground economy and rampant crime.
The third version of this classic ethnography of social reproduction of inequality and social mobility story, dialogue today. Now fully updated 13 new interviews, analysis and comparison of the original conclusions from the the original corridor hanger and brothers, as well as a new theory is not makin ‘this is still admire and valuable text.
Part I: hallway hangers and brothers as teenagers
1. Society does not move in the land of opportunity
2. In the field of view of the theory of social reproduction
3. The height of the young people in Clarendon: hallway hangers and brothers
4. The impact of the family.
5. Willingness to work hangers and the brothers of the world
6. School: ready to play
7. The razed desire: the social reproduction requires its toll
8. Rethinking of the theory of reproduction
Part II: Eight years later: the low-income, low achievements
9. Corridor hanger: processing despair
10. Brothers: the dream deferred
11. Conclusion: The disadvantage and the outcast (E)
Part III: is not makin ‘it?
12. Corridor hanger: fight foothold forty
13. Brothers: Only
14. Sense of the story, by Katherine McClelland and David Karen