Publication Date: March 10, 2004 ISBN-10: 073561993X ISBN-13 :978-0,735,619,937 Edition: 1
The number of a simple process of the rules and practices of Scrum to manage complex projects, direct, easy to learn. Scrum simple – it lacks the prescription can be lifted, new practitioners often find themselves restored to the old project management habits and tools, and smaller. In this lighting a series of case studies, the co-creators and disseminators of Scrum, Ken Schwaber identify real-world lessons, successes and failures, culled from his years of experience coaching Agile project management company. Through them, you will learn how to use Scrum to solve complex problems, and to promote faster and better results, more valuable software.
Gain the basis of the theory and practice of Scrum, you need:
Control, even if it is the most complex, unwieldy projects
Unknown or changing product requirements, effective management
The development team self-management, simplify the chain of command
Clearer specifications and feedback from customers
Greatly reduce project planning time and required tools
Establishment and release of products have been in the 30-day period, the customer can be delivered earlier
Through regular checks, to avoid mistakes in the report, and fine-tune the project
Support multiple teams in many parts of a large-scale project
Maximize ROI!
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