Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications: Terence A. Shimp

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Publication Date: December 29, 2008 ISBN-10: 0,324,593,600 ISBN-13 :978-0324593600 Edition: 8
The eighth edition of Shimp description of the market-leading advertising, sales promotion, integrated marketing communications fully integrated in all aspects of marketing communications. Continue to focus on the time honored IMC methods, the text reflects new academic literature and practitioners in the field of development. Some reorganization with the comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of advertising and promotion, the focus of the amendments. Changes include a new brand of early (Chapter III), the latest of various forms of Internet advertising (CH.13), a new chapter in the management of PR and word of mouth (18), and expand the coverage of environmental issues global coverage climate warming and sustainable development of a new organization of moral Chapter