Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (2nd Edition): W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago: 9780201433074

The first edition of praise
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“Advanced Programming in the UNIX ® environment is a must have in any serious UNIX C programmer who works to its depth, thorough, and clear explanations are unparalleled.”

– Uniforum Monthly

Many readers recommended by W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley publishing) Advanced Programming in the UNIX ® environment, I am very pleased that they and I had not even heard of this book, it has been since 1992. I just got a copy of my hand, and the first few chapters are fascinating. ”

– Open Systems Today

“A more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internal, can be found in the UNIX ® environment Advanced Programming W. Richard Stevens (Addison-Wesley Publishing), this book contains a lot of realistic examples, I think it is very helpful when I have systems programming tasks to do. ”


“This is a clear reference books any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer Rago updated and extended the original Stevens classic while keeping the original.”

– Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, Open Group, the POSIX 1003.1 Working Group Chairman

In the past decade, serious C + + programmers rely on a book of practical, in-depth understanding of UNIX and Linux kernel programming interface drive: W. Richard Stevens Advanced UNIX ® environment programming. Now, Stevens’ colleague Stephen Rago thoroughly updated this classic to reflect the latest technological advances and add support for today’s leading UNIX and Linux platforms.

The rago careful to retain the spirit and practice makes this book classic. Based on Stevens’ work, he began to carefully lay the basis for more advanced techniques, such as signal handling and terminal I / O files, directories and processes,

A lot of new material, including the following chapters: on threads and multithreaded programming, using the socket interface driver interprocess communication (IPC), covering a wide range of interfaces added to the latest version of the POSIX.1 standard. Almost all of the examples have been tested, the four most widely used UNIX / Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1, Linux 2.4.22 kernel of Solaris 9 and Darwin 7.4.0 in FreeBSD / Mach hybrid lead Apple Mac OS X 10.3.

In the first edition, you will learn through examples, including more than 10,000 lines of downloads ANSI C source code. More than 400 system calls and functions are demonstrated concise, complete programs that clearly illustrate their usage, parameters, return values. Tied to what you’ve learned, the book presents several chapter-length case study, fully updated for contemporary environments.

Advanced Programming in the UNIX ® Environment has helped a generation of programmers write code with exceptional power, performance and reliability. Now updated second edition will be today’s UNIX / Linux systems, this is indispensable.

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