Publication Date: February 14, 2008 ISBN-10: 0495116572 ISBN-13 :978-0495116578 Edition: 5
Current and comprehensive, designed to maximize the clarity of the concept, you need to know the long-term best-selling advanced nutrition and human metabolism, 5e, its signature quality content in student representation. A striking new design, this respected market leader is more easily available, relevant examples, illustrations, applications, tables, and figures to emphasize key concepts. The text will continue to set the standard to clearly and accurately explain even the most complex metabolic processes and concepts. This version is easier to understand the title, to illuminate the process, the authors have updated the art. This is the only book written by undergraduates, always maintained at this level. Equipment of the text provides a comprehensive and detailed reports, digestion, absorption, metabolism, and a solid understanding of your fat, protein and carbohydrates. It covers the biochemistry of vitamins, minerals, and energy nutrients. It also examines the regulatory role of the structure and function of the water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins and metabolism, looks at electrolyte and fluid balance, including the role of nutrition in the development or exacerbation of chronic disease. Advanced nutrition and human metabolism, 5e class, you have fully prepared in the field of nutrition, as you continue your journey.