Publication Date: January 9, 2008 ISBN-10: 047007387X ISBN-13 :978-0470073872 | Version: 2
Hansell and Damour psychological abnormalities, 2E, so that students’ critical thinking skills to better detail, classify, explain, and ultimately better understand abnormal behavior.
Author: practicing physician, and has a streamlined table of contents, abnormal psychology, 2E provides a new, innovative ways to encourage the critical thinking skills to help students understand the “trees of the forest.” By DSM-IV wider variety of examples, situations and applications, students better understanding and background of the discussion process, the mental illness. This includes a series of “core concept” new critical thinking problems linked text frames. In addition, there are 15 new “visual essays” and stressed that the most important biological principals, designed to help each student the connection between biology and mental illness.
Abnormal Psychology (second edition) offers three versions:
* ISBN978-0-470-27434-7: abnormal psychology, the second edition, the stand-alone version of Hansel 2E WileyPLUS.
*. ISBN978-0-470-28 081-2: Abnormal Psychology (second edition), Hansel 2E Veolia WileyPlus.
* ISBN978-0-470-27979-3: Abnormal Psychology (second edition), binder prepared Hansel 2E version.