Publication Date: July 27,2006 | ISBN-10: 0195188330 ISBN-13 :978-0,195,188,332 Edition: 1
Positive psychology is the scientific research happening in their lives, from birth to death, in between the stations. This is a new naming method in psychological needs serious examination, which makes life worth living. Everyone’s life there are peaks and valleys, and positive psychology does not deny that the valley. Iconic premise is more nuanced, but still very important: life, what is good and what is bad, is true, therefore, psychologists, counselors should be given equal attention. Positive psychology as a clear point of view only since 1998, there has been, but there are enough relevant theory and research to fill a semester college textbooks.
Positive psychology primer thoroughly research-based, covering areas of the main topic of concern: positive experience, such as happiness and flow of positive qualities such as character strengths, values and talents; these subjects, as well as recent research and social systems, may contribute to this knowledge. Each chapter contains exercises on a term of positive psychology, it is recommended that a list of articles and books for further reading, movies, websites, and popular songs, and reflects the theme of the chapter.
Positive psychology, a comprehensive overview of one of the recognized leaders in the field, this textbook to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to an important area of psychology.