Publication Date: July 20,2007 ISBN-10: 0787970956 ISBN-13 :978-0787970956 Edition: 4
Based on the law “an indispensable guide to the fourth edition of Higher Education Higher Education Student Edition, which is related to the law, and provides reference and guidance of the Higher Education Act programs. It also provides a mentoring program to help prepare higher education administrative leadership role.
This important reference into view and foundations of five main sections, the College and its Board of Governors and staff, colleges and universities, colleges and students, as well as college and the outside world. Each section includes complete fourth version, it comes to the part of the students’ interest, is the most suitable for classroom teaching, such as:
Evolution and scope of the Higher Education Act
Governance of higher education
Legal planning and settlement of disputes
The relationship between the laws and policies
University and its employees
System of University Teachers and tenure
Academic Freedom
Campus issues: student safety, racial and sexual harassment, positive action, computer networks, and services provided for international students
Student misconduct
Freedom of speech and hate speech
Students’ rights, responsibilities, and activities fees
Athletics and Title IX
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