Publication Date: February 20,2009 | ISBN-10: 1,420,064,932 ISBN-13 :978-1420064933 Edition: 3
Now revised and updated, comprehensive work, has long been considered the top textbook in the forensics field, far beyond the scope of those introductory text is mainly focused on the criminal. The basic theme of the coverage, new areas, while providing the technical details necessary to understand the field as a science. To this end, the book with CRC lab manuals, including Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook (third edition) (87193), and crime scene processing and laboratory workbook (85,425) compatible.
With the previous version of praise:
First-hand experience of the author, and actual case studies, including photos, to attract readers. Illegal medical science students and the general public will find this book interesting reading. ”
Kieran F. Lin, physical science education. 7, No. 1
This updated version include:
New materials forensic photography, crime scene, forensic pathology, forensic digital image includes a chapter
Simplified, easy-to-understand chapters, computer forensics and DNA analysis
Revised to reflect advances in the field of material in each chapter
New and a wider range of teaching materials:
A coach guiding objectives, questions and answers, suggested activities, as well as in electronic format materials can be used according to qualification courses.
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