Publication Date: January 2012 ISBN-10: 0,840,028,644 ISBN-13 :978-0840028648 Edition: 9
The ninth edition of the direct social work practice theory and skills to prepare effective real-world practice. Packed Case, illustrations, and effective learning experience from the author as well as other social workers, this book integrates the major direct social work theory and skills of practitioners, need to understand and master, has won the reputation of the book the classic source for helping students learn direct practice skills. In addition, the ninth edition of the Brooks / Cole Empowerment Series part, is a full and complete integration of the core competencies and recommended practice behavior in social work in 2008, Board of Education, Education Policy and certification standards (EPAS) Overview (CSWE). The video presentation on the optional CourseMate website, and to ensure that the student’s learning experience is as close to real life as possible.