Publication Date: January 2012 ISBN-10: 1,111,831,572 ISBN-13 :978-1111831578 Edition: 9
This best-selling comprehensive book conveys the relevance of sociology theory, research, and examples, including the timely collection – including its signature first-person accounts open chapters. Experience in these open amulets represented accurately reflect the diversity and complexity of the society, but also the theme of the entire chapter. Author Diana Kendall’s vivid, attractive writing style, emphasis on applications, the eyes of the most striking examples use the distribution of photo essays and companion video to attract readers and students to further highlight the relevance of sociology. Now in its ninth edition, in this era of sociological research in the field of integration of race, class and gender issues in the first textbook, a comprehensive introduction, including a modern point of view, such as feminism and post-modernism sociological theory, is famous.