Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications: Jeffrey S. Nevid: 9781111301217

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Publication Date: January 1, 2011 ISBN-10: 1111301212 ISBN-13 :978-1111301217 Edition: 3
Has a manageable format and friendly style, the new version of this brief introduction to the book written three goals: to make the students’ psychological began the study of psychology fascinating, providing a solid knowledge base of psychology, and to help students succeed. Nevid’s comprehensive learning system – from research on memory, learning, and textbook teaching – inn. Such a learning mode combines the author calls “ES Effective Learning” – to participate in the students’ interest, the encoded information, expounded the significance and assess progress. Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and Applications, 3rd Edition, provides a broad perspective, psychology, and application of knowledge obtained from the study of contemporary in today’s world, the problems and challenges we face.