Marketing 2012: William M. Pride, Ferrell

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Publication Date: January 11,2011 | ISBN-10: 0,538,475,404 ISBN-13 :978-0538475402 Edition: 16
Most suitable for students’ background and level of interest rates, “Pride and Ferrell’s marketing, 16E combines a comprehensive overview of basic marketing principles and visual appeal, the expression of the readers of this popular, mature text to provide students with full range of supplemental learning resources, included eLectures, video, and interactive marketing programs and decision-making knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today’s competitive business environment, marketing 16E marketing strategy, and a wide range of real-world examples , including the material social networking and digital marketing concept including the latest reported this version of a new chapter in digital media and social networking, which uses the latest research and trends in the changing environment of e-marketing you will find from the rapid changes of the modern business world, important issues, including social and environmental responsibility, sustainable development, globalization, entrepreneurship, marketing through tra