Publication Date: October 17, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0321559800 ISBN-13 :978-0321559807 | Version: 5
Main advantages: Human Physiology: an integrated approach “groundbreaking, its molecular physiology seamlessly integrated into a traditional balance-based systems approach is comprehensive coverage. The newly revised fifth edition has been significantly updated art and run the entire function significantly modify the readers of the book and companion website. As a special educators and enthusiasts active learning the recognized Dr. Silverthorn using time-tested classroom techniques throughout the book, and put forward a new scientific discoveries, biotechnology and treatment of diseases completely, latest reports. Dr. Silverthorn also co-authored the attached student workbook and instructor manual to ensure that these auxiliary equipment to strengthen the teaching methods of the the book.The fifth edition of Interactive Physiology (R) Suite (IP-10), 10 – PhysioEx (TM) 8.0, A & P’s Flix animation, 3D, and physiological local matching website. Focus: physiology, molecular interactions between compartmentalization: the metabolism of cells and tissue, energy and cell membrane dynamics, communication, integration, dynamic balance, the endocrine system, the neuron: cell and network properties, central nervous system sensory physiology, the outgoing Section: autonomic and somatic motor control, muscle Integrative Physiology (a): control body movement, cardiovascular, blood flow and blood pressure control, blood, respiratory gas exchange and transport, mechanics, Integrative kidney physiology II: fluid and electrolyte balance, digestion, energy balance, metabolic, endocrine control of growth and metabolism, immune system, the combined physiological III: sports, reproductive and developmental market: The aim is for those who are interested in learning the basics of human physiology