Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML (9780596101978): Eric T Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Elisabeth Robson

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in the font tag to your pages and foolish. The most important is the way you will learn HTML and CSS, will not let you sleep. If you read the first book of the head, you know what to expect: the format of your brain work design and visual effects. The latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, this book will load HTML, CSS, and XHTML, stick to your brain.

So, what are you waiting for? Keep those other dusty books behind to attend our Webville. Your tour is about to begin.

“The elegant design is the core of each chapter here, each concept to convey the same dose of pragmatism and wit.”
– Said Ken Goldstein, executive vice president, Disney Online

“This book is a thoroughly modern forward-looking approach in the page’s markup and presentations.”
– Danny Goodman, Dynamic HTML The Definitive Guide

“In the past a long trial and error learning process has now been reduced neatly with the paperback.”
– Mike Davidson, CEO, Newsvine

“I love the easy HTML with CSS and XHTML – it teaches you everything you need to learn in fun painted format! “-
Sally Applin UI designers and artists

“I have not read a book (other than Harry Potter) in many years, as much fun as your book finally helped me get rid of my bad luck last century to create Web pages.
– Professor David M. Arnow Brooklyn College of Computer and Information Science Department,

“If you’ve ever had a family member who is, I hope you can design a website for them, buy them easy HTML with CSS and XHTML If you ever ask your family members to design a website, buy this book if Have you ever bought an HTML book and use it to level your desk, or a fire in a cold winter day, buy this book, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. learning system “I have been waiting for. ‘
– Warren Kelly, Blogcritics.org

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