Publication Date: October 8, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0,132,610,442 ISBN-13 :978-0,132,610,445 Edition: 1
Your office is the ideal choice introduced in the Microsoft Office2010 computer courses or courses in computer concepts laboratory component of the Microsoft Office 2010 applications.
Your office is more skill and drill ‘book for teachers who want students to learn discreet tasks, but not the big picture of how these skills work together than textbooks written Office applications. Set up a bridge between your office skills and applications, to enable students to master the tools in Office 2010, to solve problems and make decisions.
The case, the progress students learn the skills in each Office application using application tools to make business decisions.
The unique modular structure provides a solid foundation for the students to practice workshop and comprehensive coverage over two seminars goal of challenging students to really retain what they have learned, rather than learning, and then forget shortly after.
The case of the series of programs introduces a large global business (Resort and Spa) small business (Occupational golfer, shops, spas, restaurants, event planning, etc.), all four applications running characteristics. This method is to provide students with a solid understanding of how to organize the work, so that they come into contact with all aspects of the business of interactive tools, such as Microsoft Office and use information to make decisions.