Ruby on Rails ™ tutorial by Michael
– Peter Cooper, editor of Ruby’s internal
Special grace and power of using Rails, developers can build Web applications. Although its extraordinary ability to Ruby on Rails one of the world’s most popular Web development framework, it can be challenging to learn and use. Ruby on Rails ™ Guide (Second Edition), is the solution. Professor Michael Hart, the developers of the best-selling author and leadership Rails to guide you through the development of a complete sample application using the latest technology in Rails Rails Web development. This version updates, including a new website design using Twitter guide new asset pipeline, including coverage of the sprocket and Texas; Behavior Driven Development (BDD) capybaras and RSpec better automated testing with Guard spoon and fork, roll your own and has_secure_password certification, and cucumber and cucumber.
You will find not only integrated for Rails tutorial, but also the basic Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL skills to develop Web applications, you need to. Hart explained that a new technology to solve real-world problems, and his description of a size code is very simple, there is enough to understand, but the novel has been sufficient. Regardless of your previous experience in Web development, this book will guide you to true Rails mastery.
This book will help you
Install and set up your Rails development environment
Beyond a real understanding of how to create a Rails application from scratch to generate code
RSpec for test-driven development (TDD)
Effective use of the Model – View – Controller (MVC) pattern
Structural applications using the REST architecture
Generate static pages, and to transform them into dynamic
Master Ruby programming skills all Rails developers need
Define a high-quality site layouts and data model
Implement the registration and authentication systems, including validation and secure passwords
Update, display, and delete users
Add social features and microblogging, Ajax,
Git and share code on GitHub recorded version changes
Simplify application deployment Heroku
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