The respected doctors Ka Houglum
Six texts in sports training education one of the series, the third edition of the movement of the reasons for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, to help readers understand what, and when the exercise therapy technology. The other text only describes how to perform the exercise therapy technology, Physiological the Houglum text information occurs, the application is very important reason, and when the treatment is effective. This approach encourages professionals to strictly examine the circumstances of each patient, and to develop programs to safely repair the injured person.
This thoroughly updated third edition contains the advantage on previous versions based on further emphasis on the development of evidence-based rehabilitation programs. The following are the new additions and updates:
The new chapter arthroplasty rehabilitation principles and specific age groups
-A more in-depth series from the functional activity of specific exercise and focus
An enhanced focus on the standard back in action
-A detailed description of the articular cartilage healing
Value-added information about the surface of the knee joint replacement rehabilitation services
Expanding segment of the spine stabilization technology
The latest trend of development of knowledge and care of common tendinopathy
In order to facilitate the reading and quick reference, each exercise and rehabilitation programs are classified, and reformatting. Strengthen with more than 900 photos and nearly 300 illustrations, the movement of the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, Third Edition, stands alone as the most valuable reference for rehabilitation professionals.
Movement treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in the third edition of a series of learning aids to help students with different learning styles. Chapter objectives, practical applications, key points, key terms, sidebars, critical thinking, and references to help students absorb, review, integrate and apply content. In addition, the text includes approximately 175 laboratory activities on their own or in a laboratory environment. Laboratory techniques and exercises require students to perform with partners, patients for observation and measurement, design assumptions. Laboratory activities separate chapters, each including a 5-10 exercises. Teachers, the text includes time-saving supplementary material, such as coaching, fully updated test database, and presentation package plus image library, online access.
The movement of the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, third edition, is part of a series of sports training and education of human dynamics. With respected authorities exercise training, a collection of excellent textbooks, each with their own learning and teaching resources, Parallels and elaboration of the content area certification standards NATA work of the Board of Education.
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