Publication Date: May 28, 2010 ISBN-10: 1449380344 ISBN-13 :978-1449380342 | Edition: second edition
You want to learn C # programming, but you do not know that you have to endure another tedious technical books. You’re in luck: easy C # in an interesting, visual way to introduce this language. You’ll quickly learn to create your first program, learning advanced coding skills with C # 4.0, Visual Studio 2010 and. NET 4, all at the same time to avoid some common mistakes that prevent many students.
Second edition provides a few hands of laboratory together to help you build and test programs use the skills you’ve learned this. At the end of the experiment, you will put all together. From the interaction of objects to garbage collection and exceptions, you will learn C #, engaged to entertain your brain. Here are some topics you will learn:
First create a useful application, built-in components in Visual Studio2010
Discovered how objects work, using real-world examples
Stored numbers, text, and other basic data types using the basic
Great C # tools stored in complex data files and databases
Following a few simple rules, the establishment of an intuitive, easy-to-use interface
Design your code to catch exceptions – things you do not want to
Develop good programming habits, such as code refactoring and unit testing applications
Understand how Web services with the rest of the world, you plan
Makes it easy for others to install software
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