Publication Date: August 11,2010 | ISBN-10: 0538453028 ISBN-13 :978-0538453028 Edition: 3
C # programming: from problem analysis to program design has been thoroughly revised for Visual Studio 2010. In the previous version of the text Doyle introduces a variety of basic programming concepts, data types and expressions, arrays and collections – all using C # as the programming language. The beginning of each chapter to reinforce chapter describes the concept of case studies and determining goals and objectives. This new version, each chapter ends with a “coding standards” a summary of the style issues and other resources links. Experienced programmers ideal for beginners and other languages, this book goes beyond traditional programming books, including a new, state-of-the-art software, such as database connections use Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and ADO.NET introduced the theme. An entire chapter is dedicated to programming for the Web using ASP.NET.