Publication Date: November 22, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0,321,887,190 ISBN-13 :978-0,321,887,191 Edition: 1
Mountain Lion OS X, the revised bestseller only Apple-certified book covers the latest operating system of your heart cat, from installation and configuration, customizing the operating system, supporting applications, setting peripherals and more. Whether you are a technical support staff, or just an avid Mac user, you’ll quickly learn and master the new features in OS X mountain lion. After learning targets Apple Certified Support Professional exam, this self-paced book is a perfect guide for Apple’s training and a first-class primer computer support personnel who need to troubleshoot and optimize OS X mountain lion as its work part. Step-by-step exercises to strengthen the concept of teaching through practical application. Chapter review section and quizzes summarize and consolidate the knowledge acquired.
Apple Pro Training Series as a self-learning tool and the official curriculum Mountain Lion OS X and OS X Mountain Lion Server certification programs.