Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives and DerivaGem CD Package (8th Edition): John C. Hull

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Publication Date: February 12, 2011 ISBN-10: 0,132,777,428 ISBN-13 :978-0,132,777,421 Edition: 8
Provides a bridge between theory and practice.

The introductory text on the futures and options markets, aimed at bridging the gap between theory and practice, is an ideal choice for a limited background in mathematics.

Eighth edition updated and refined, has opened a new chapter of the securitization and the credit crisis, and increased modeling commodity prices and commodity derivatives value discussion.

0132777428/9780132777421 Options, futures and other derivatives and DerivaGem CD package

Package Includes:
0132164949/9780132164948 options, futures and other derivatives
0132165112/9780132165112 DerivaGem CD, options, futures and other derivatives
