Publication Date: February 13, 2010 ISBN-10: 0,138,007,969 ISBN-13 :978-0,138,007,966 Edition: 4
Technology fourth edition of teaching and learning to continue learning theory and instructional design position educational technology in teaching and learning within the framework to help provide a foundation. This book explores the current and emerging technologies available to teachers. Practical applications, examples from the classroom, as well as a series of reflex activity, the text provides students fully explore and the application of technology as a means to improve the teaching and learning opportunities. The new Chapter 4 of the diversity of prominent technology for special education students, ESL students, gifted, as well as a variety of learning styles. The fourth edition of the new Chapter 14 of the new technology, focusing on today’s education-related emerging technologies.
College text activities including reviews, group, critical thinking, practical experience, and marginal references powerful MyEducationLab website, as a complete range.