Publication Date: March 12, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0,323,052,894 ISBN-13 :978-0323052894 | version: 7
The text of this market-leading to write author team you trust, comprehensive coverage of over 200 nursing skills. It offers hundreds of full-color illustrations, the nursing process framework, a clear step-by-step instructions – every step of the rationale. Improve readability, to make the guidelines easier to perform, and cover a lot of new skills, so that you completely nursing practice today.
This book is the authors and contributors of the most respected market leading team in the industry.
Comprehensive coverage of over 200, including beginner, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills.
More than 1,200 vivid, full-color photographs and drawings to help you understand.
The description of the skills, the five-step nursing process provides a framework as it relates to the overall customer service.
The basic principles of each skill step explain why steps in a particular way, including its clinical significance and benefits, and the latest research findings.
Unique! Key decision points, to resolve critical security issues or skills may modify the specific patient’s needs.
Unique! Unexpected results and related interventions, to remind you what can go wrong, and how to appropriately intervene.
Delegation principle to discuss the tasks assigned to the responsibility of unlicensed assistants.
Reports and records a list of records, including appropriate wording examples of criteria.
Health issues of cultural factors unique part to remind you of a particular culture or ethnic background.
Special Precautions to discuss the changing needs of the children, the elderly, home care patients, and help you provide appropriate patient education provisions of the Joint Committee.
Children, geriatric home care, teaching aspects to consider, the demand for a particular patient.
Critical thinking exercises challenge you information integrated assessment and care of patients.
More than 250 new photos of the latest equipment and technology.
Improve readability, including a simplified presentation, the material easier to understand.
Skills performance criteria include the main principle applies to skills within the chapter.
NEW! Chapter discusses the evidence in nursing practice the whole process of research, collect, criticism, evaluation and use of evidence to improve patient care.
A companion Evolve website includes additional review questions, audio vocabulary and the development of the mobile phone, where you can download for your iPod or MP3 player skills list and video clips.
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