Publication Date: July 24, 2010 ISBN-10: 0,131,480,057 ISBN-13 :978-0131480056 Edition: 4
He said: “as a writer, editor and publisher, I’ve never not paid attention to the competition, except in a few cases, which this is the case. UNIX System Administration Handbook”, we measure yourself against the few books a. ‘
From the Foreword by Tim O’Reilly, O’Reilly Media founder
“This book is an interesting and useful desktop reference If you use UNIX and Linux systems, you need this book which covers the history of a system library in a short distance., But does not bloviate just straightfoward information transfer colorful and memorable fashion. ”
Jason A. Nunnelley
“This is a comprehensive guide to the care and feeding of UNIX and Linux systems consulting and real-world examples of facts and experience. Between the changes in the system, and their views are valuable people who run in heterogeneous computing device. ”
Pat Parseghian
The world’s best-selling UNIX system administration book has 20 Anniversary Edition even better by increasing the coverage of the leading Linux distributions: Ubuntu, openSUSE’s, and RHEL.
This book in a pragmatic way of approaching the system management and new managers and experienced professionals is a valuable reference. It details best practice in all aspects of the management of the system, including storage management, network design and management, e-mail, web hosting, scripts, software configuration management, performance analysis, Windows interoperability, virtualization, DNS, security IT management services, and much more. UNIX ® and Linux ® System Administration Handbook, Fourth Edition, reflects the current versions of the operating system:
Problem Ubuntu ® Linux
OpenSUSE ® Linux’s
Red Hat ® Enterprise Linux ®
The Oracle the U.S. Solaris ™ (formerly Sun Solaris)
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