Publication Date: January 9, 2011 ISBN-10: 0132109077 ISBN-13 :978-0132109079 | Version: 9
This family-centered text maternal, newborn care and women’s health, pay particular attention to evidence-based practice, cultural competence, critical thinking, professionalism, patient education, and home / community care services to provide comprehensive coverage. Accurate, easy-to-read, personal and engaged in pride: “reflect a deep understanding and care of family members in the entire life cycle, 9 / E of maternal, newborn care and women’s health pregnancy and childbirth normal life processes, as a co-partners. this version includes a more in-depth discussion of the dangers of childbirth; four new care plan updated coverage of contraception, complementary / alternative therapies, and more new teaching functions including professional practice and health Promotion Education boxes, clinical judgment case studies, as well as critical thinking. this version also comply more closely with AACN care professional diploma in educational practice points.