Publication Date November 11, 2010 ISBN-10: 0323065856 ISBN-13 :978-0,323,065,856 Edition: 3
Your HESI exit exam and the NCLEX-RN ® prepare for success! 3 NCLEX-RN ® Examination HESI comprehensive review provides a comprehensive review of all-in-one, you need to know the information. Written in an easy-to-read outline format, this learning tool, to break the chapter NCLEX-RN examination by clinical areas and concepts emphasized. Provides the theoretical basis of the weak links or any incorrect answer. Companion Evolve website offers 600 practice questions, and provide you with valuable practice in the same electronic testing format, you will experience nursing school graduation exam and NCLEX-RN exam.
The “HESI prompt box to highlight the important clinical test NCLEX-RN exam information and concepts.
The chapters organized clinical field of the topic can be very easy to find.
Consistent chapter format simplifies study and review.
Pharmacology tables summarize the need to know the drug treatment emphasizes the content of the NCLEX-RN examination.
Research questions of critical thinking, strengthen key concepts and content, and also include answer guidelines.
Updated content reflects the 2010 NCLEX-RN test plan.
The pharmacology studies increased focus highlight specific test-taking strategies and integrated pharmacology table.
Student Resources companion Evolve website include 600 NCLEX ® exam-style exercises give you a real test experience.
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