Publication Date: December 19,2011 ISBN-10: 0323078915 ISBN-13 :978-0323078917 Edition: 5
Understand the basic concepts of the pathophysiology and treatment, clinical manifestations, and mechanisms for understanding disease pathophysiology, 5th Edition. Vibrant illustrations and complemented by online resources pathophysiology concept into reality, it is very easy to read the text to provide the latest and most accurate information throughout the life cycle of the disease process, you need to move forward in your to give you the basics of nursing education.
The consistent introduction can help you to better distinguish pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, assessment and treatment of each disease.
More than 1,000 high-quality illustrations vividly depicts the related clinical manifestations and cellular mechanisms of the disease.
The life network coverage, age-specific impact children, adults and aging patients in great depth conditions.
The algorithm of the text to clarify the disease progression.
“Risk Factors” box to remind you of important safety considerations associated with specific diseases.
Health alert box in biological research, diagnosis, preventive health care, treatment, and more prominent new development.
Rapid detection box testing retain important chapter concepts.
Do you understand? The section provides a fast and efficient review of chapter content.
This chapter outlines help you easily locate specific information.
The second chapter introduces explain why the chapter is important, and how it is integrated into the broader health content.
The principal terms of fast, convenient reference to display the entire text in bold.
Selected vocabulary, familiar with your most difficult or the most important terms.
Companion Evolve website, animation, review questions, key terms matching work to provide convenient online access.
NEW! A large number of updated content reflects the latest results of clinical studies and research in the entire spectrum of the pathophysiology.
NEW! Hundreds of new and enhanced full-color illustrations to clarify the concept of anatomical and physiological.
NEW! 30 new animated companion Evolve website strengthen your understanding of the complex process.
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