Unique! Critical thinking mode, in
The 5-step nursing process provides a consistent framework for clinical practice.
The safety care management of more than 55 skills demonstrations, guide you through each step.
Over 20 procedural guidelines clearly outline the basic skills description.
Unexpected results for each skill and interventions, to remind you to problems that may arise and take appropriate action.
The chapters of the objectives and results of the planning, set priorities, teamwork and collaboration to help you plan and priority care.
Care of guiding principles to implement sections detailed description of health promotion, emergency care, and a continuum of care for all practice settings.
The delegation covering clarify what skills you can or can not be delegated.
Patient safety processing guidelines “to help ensure patient safety compliance.
Over 25 care plans, to help you understand how to apply the five steps in the care process, in order to solve the problems of the individual patient.
Patient Teaching boxes help you succeed strategic development and implementation of patient education.
Nursing assessment problems boxes to help you more effective physician-patient communication phrases.
The culture trays provide practical guidelines for management of the patient’s cultural needs and preferences.
Focus boxes highlight key aspects of nursing assessment and care for this growing population of the elderly.
Key summary of important content, more effective learning.
The principal terms of the beginning of each chapter, including convenient page references complete the definition of.
More than 25 concept diagram illustrates the plan of care for clients with multiple nursing diagnosis.
The results of NOC, NIC interventions, and the the latest NANDA diagnosis included in the plan of care to reflect the national standards of care, in practice, you will encounter.
Unique! Care for cancer survivors chapter is a special challenge, you are ready to participate in the care of cancer survivors diseases, their treatment is still faced with the physical and emotional impact.
Engaged in research tools evolved companion website easily access skills video clips, skills checklist, audio summary of a chapter, practice the answer, computing tutorials, search audio glossary, Spanish / English vocabulary, and more to enhance your understanding.
New and unique! Building capacity chest to help you apply for QSEN (the quality and safety of nursing education) the ability to actual clinical situations.
New and unique! Expansion of evidence-based practice boxes, and stressed the importance of day-to-day work, the current clinical studies.
NEW! Case analysis in all clinical chapters let you practice care plans and concept maps for clinical application exercises.
New and unique! The clinical application of clinical practice problems to test your understanding.
NEW! Glucose monitoring technology guidelines can help you perform common skills to ensure accurate readings.
NEW! Content violence, genetics / genomics, compassion, bullying, and the certification process to solve the current problems in nursing practice.
NEW! More than 725 review questions test to retain the main concept of this chapter.
NEW! Three basics exam practice and computing tutorial companion Evolve website help you assess your understanding.
Over 100 new photos clarification process, so that you are familiar with the latest clinical equipment.
NEW! The Glossary provides fast, easy access to all the definitions of key terms.
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