Publication Date: January 7, 2003 ISBN-10: 0,465,083,617 ISBN-13 :978-0,465,083,619 | version: 5 Anniv. , Amendment
Walk into any racially mixed high school, you will see a black youth sitting together in the cafeteria. Of course, this is not just black kids sitting together, white, Latino, Asian-Pacific region, and in some regions, American Indian youth gathered in their own groups, too. Observed the same phenomenon in the university cafeteria, faculty lounge, corporate canteens. This in the end is how the case? This is the problem of self-isolation, we should try to fix, or the coping strategy we should support? How can we in the past we do not want to talk about racial issues, or even discuss it? Other issues related to our children and our game?比佛利丹尼尔 Tatum, a well-known authority psychological, racism, claiming that we do not know how to talk about our racial differences: whites afraid of using the wrong color is considered to be of “racism”, and parents fear of exposing their children to painful racial realities too soon. Tatum use real-life examples and the latest research results, strong evidence, our ethnic identity, whatever they may be essential, if we are serious communication across ethnic and racial differences in direct dialogue. We wait too long, the game began our conversation. Great book, full of great wisdom and humanity, has helped hundreds of thousands of readers where to