Don’t Shoot the Dog The New Art of Teaching and Training (9780553380392): Karen Pryor

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Date: August 3, 1999 ISBN-10: 0,553,380,397 ISBN-13 :978-0553380392 revision:
A better way to better behavior

卡伦普赖尔 clear and interesting explanation of Do not Shoot the Dog behavior training method! The best-selling classic. This revision of her insights, animal and human behavior.

A groundbreaking behavioral scientist and dynamic tame animal trainer, Karen Pryor is a strong supporter of, and actively strengthen the principles and practical application of new teaching behavior. The secret here is to change the behavior of pets, their children, or even no yelling, threats, force, punishment, guilt or shooting the dog:

Principles of the revolutionary “clicker training” method, thanks to its huge success, it’s a direct response to this there is no doubt that you are what kind of action awards
• 8 end bad habits caught the cat, from furniture careless roommate
• 10 laws of behavior, there is no pressure or pain through “affection training” shaping ”
• prompt the dog house training, to improve your tennis game, or an impossible teenagers
• Enhanced training explore exciting new uses

Learn why pet owners rave, “This book changed our lives!” And how these groundbreaking technology can also work for you.