The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks / Edition 1: Verna Allee: 0750675918: 9780750675918

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Title: The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks / Edition 1
Author: Verna Allee
ISBN-10: 0750675918
ISBN-13: 9780750675918

Verna Allee, whose groundbreaking book ‘The Knowledge Evolution’ helped usher in the exploding field of knowledge management, has brought her experience-tested insights into an exciting new synthesis, penetrating to the very heart of value creation. ‘The Future of Knowledge’ strips away traditional business thinking to reveal the new patterns of management thought and practice essential for success in a more complex world. With a gift for making the complex simple and practical, Allee weaves together diverse threads such as business webs, communities of practice, knowledge technologies, intangibles, network analysis, and biology to show why organizations must be supported as living systems before their natural networked pattern of organization can emerge. Embodying Allee’s visionary approach, ‘The Future of Knowledge’ brings forward a practical view of new theories, frameworks, tools, and methods offering businesses a guide to managing the increasing levels of complexity within their organizations and in society at large. ‘The Future of Knowledge’ works on many levels: At the strategic level, the new tools are intangible scorecards and understanding value networks At the tactical level, the knowledge management tools for exchanging and applying knowledge are knowledge networks and communities of practice At the operational level, a wealth of new technologies is supporting the codification, storage and delivery of the knowledge people need to complete their routine tasks. Audience: Knowledge managers, professionals new to knowledge management initiatives around the world.