Business Valuation: A Primer for the Legal Professional: Jeffrey M. Risius: 1590317467: 9781590317464

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Title: Business Valuation: A Primer for the Legal Professional
Author: Jeffrey M. Risius
ISBN-10: 1590317467
ISBN-13: 9781590317464

The decision of whether to exit your business or not is never justa simple yes or no answer. Most business owners find the issuedifficult to grapple with because it is not just one decision.Rather, in most cases, there are many interrelated decisions to bemade. For example: How much money will you receive upon exit? Whatis the best timing for your exit, given the economic cycle of yourcountry and industry? What kind of advisors will you need? And whatwill happen to your staff, clients, and business partners? Business Exit Planning explains the two major phases ofleaving a business: Business Exit Planning and TransactionManagement (that is, what a business owner needs to know inmanaging the exit transaction). It will equip you, the businessowner, with a full overview of what’s involved in exiting yourbusiness. The book provides a wealth of illustrative case studiescovering the wide range of options available to owners of mid-sizedbusinesses, including intergenerational transfer, merger,liquidation, and more, as well as options for owners who seek animmediate exit and options for those who prefer a staged exit overtime. Throughout the book, the author stresses three key themes: 1) ABusiness Exit should not be a spontaneous process, but the resultof careful planning; 2) Business owners tend to underestimate whatit takes to exit; and 3) There is often a mismatch in negotiatingstrength between business owners and professional investors. Youmay not be able to formulate a definitive opinion on any of thosethree subjects until you have actually closed at least onetransaction. But by reading this book, you will be betterprepared—and more successful—when you do start yourexit process.