Publication Date: July 30, 2012 ISBN-10: 1449627900 ISBN-13 :978-1449627904 Edition: 9
Now in its ninth edition, the public budget system is a complete, balanced reference, the survey of the current state of the budget, the U.S. government at all levels. Text emphasized that the method, which reached financial decision-making within the system, as well as how to use different types of information in the budget decision-making. It also emphasizes the use of program information, because, for decades, budget reform, tried to introduce a larger plan to take into account the financial decisions. The Ninth edition has been updated, with particular attention to recent developments in the public budget and finance including: • Government combat the impact of the Great Depression, “and have taken steps to strengthen the economic recovery. In the United States, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, as well as legislative efforts, such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act action. • significantly increase the use of fiscal policy tools to stimulate economic recovery, the recent 20 years. • Federal the government’s direct role in the operation of the private sector will be discussed. government has become a major shareholder and therefore has economic interests, see the company successful. • unprecedented federal deficits, as well as extreme budget challenges, including the national and local the level of discussion of the causes and possible solutions. President Obama and other changes, including through comprehensive health care reform and change management agenda. • continue to develop, finance and debt management, including the additional requirements of GASB the impact of the Government’s economic prospects for the state and local government borrowing contraction. • the impact on the global economy, additional confirmation result in an increase in page devoted to international exa