Title: Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship / Edition 1
Author: Josh Lerner, Ann Leamon, Felda Hardymon
ISBN-10: 0470591439
ISBN-13: 9780470591437
Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship stems from a realization that private equity overall – defined in this volume as venture capital and buyouts but excluding hedge funds – has become a vastly more sizable and influential part of the global economic landscape over the past two decades. The text explores the exciting world of active investing and lays out in a clear and readily accessible way their key features, ways of doing business and likely evolution. With more than 60 years of combined experience as practitioners in and/or academic investigators of private equity, Lerner, Leamon, and Hardymon present private equity in a clear, yet detailed way. The authors explain how the fascinating world of private equity works, from start to finish, how it creates value, and where it may destroy value.