Title: Investment Science / Edition 2
Author: David G. Luenberger
ISBN-10: 0199740089
ISBN-13: 9780199740086
Unlike many formal professions, foundation grantmaking is a calling with no training programs and little definitive literature on the latest and best practices. Written for program officers and of considerable value to grantseekers, this volume is the first and only practical guide to making foundation grants and developing essential skills for effective and ethical grantmaking. Author Joel J. Orosz not only introduces readers to the history, structure, and function of foundations in society but also explores the complex role that program officers play in their day-to-day activities. He provides real-world advice on a myriad of tasks—from meeting with applicants and reviewing their proposals to assisting the funded project and managing foundation initiatives. He also asks critical questions about this growing and evolving profession, such as “What kind of person should become a grantmaker?” and “How does one avoid the seven temptations of philanthropy?” Throughout the book, Orosz informs his lively, thoughtful discussions with his own considerable experience in grantmaking. The Insider’s Guide to Grantmaking allows readers to observe the world of foundations closely. It provides a useful overview for those new to the field, helps more experienced program officers to think more deeply about their work, and shares rich insights for the thousands of nonprofit leaders who pursue foundation grants.