The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship / Edition 4: William D. Bygrave, Andrew Zacharakis (Editor): 0470481315: 9780470481318

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Title: The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship / Edition 4
Author: William D. Bygrave, Andrew Zacharakis (Editor)
ISBN-10: 0470481315
ISBN-13: 9780470481318

For entrepreneurs with a vision, opportunities are everywhere. Evenin tough economic times, more and more people are seizing thechance to get out of someone else’s office and into their own.Success is by no means a guarantee, but there’s no reward withoutrisk. The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship is designed tolower that risk. This newly updated Fourth Edition equips entrepreneurswith the same knowledge and information taught to MBA candidates intop business schools. William Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis lead anall-star team of professors, consultants, and entrepreneurs inbringing this bestselling business resource into step with today’sentrepreneurial landscape with totally up-to-date case studies andexamples. Plus, this edition includes access to the Portable MBAOnline, which provides a wealth of handy forms, study guides,videos, presentations, and much more. Starting a business is tough even in the best of times; hereyou’ll find all the information you need to make sure your businessmakes it, including how to: Recognize great entrepreneurial opportunities Write a business plan and build your financial statements Secure financing with venture capital or debt financing Franchise your successful business Manage a growing business Protect your intellectual property Sell a business when the time is right As always, The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship bringsyou the collective wisdom of some of the best minds in business andacademia in plain, accessible language. This comprehensive,engaging resource offers a cutting-edge education inentrepreneurship at a cut-rate price. An authoritative guide for managers and owners in the fastest growing segment of the economy. Bygrave explores spotting and evaluating opportunities, entry strategies for start ups, marketing, financing, preparing business plans, managing a growing business, and strategies for growth.