Exploring Geology: Stephen Reynolds, Julia Johnson, Paul Morin, Chuck Carter: 9780073524122

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Publication Date: January 9, 2012 ISBN-10: 0,073,524,123 ISBN-13 :978-0073524122 Edition: 3
Exploration of Geology by Reynolds / Johnson / Kelly / Morin / Carter is an innovative textbook designed introduced, such as the physics of Geological Processes. This ground-breaking, visually spectacular book cognitive and educational research purposes from students how to think, learn and study again.
Almost all of the information in this book is around 2600 photos and stunning illustrations, rather than large blocks of text, did not elaborate digital. These annotated illustrations help students visualize geologic processes and concepts, and is suitable for most instructors already teach. To alleviate cognitive load and help students focus on an important geological process or concept at a time, this book is completely organized into 19 chapters across pages. Each two-page spread is a separate block of information about a specific topic, emphasizing geologic concepts, processes, functions, and methods. These spreads help students learn and organization of geological knowledge in a new and exciting way.

Inquiry embedded throughout the book, modeling how geologists to investigate the problem. Each two-page spread and the title of the theme is a problem, to allow readers to ponder interested in the topic, and actively explore the answers to two-page spread. Each chapter is a learning cycle, start with the visual charm of a compelling two-page spread geological problems. Investigation of the end of each chapter, to stimulate students’ problems with a virtual place. World-class media, Wei spectacular introduction and assessment of these closely with textbook exposition. The purpose of this book is to encourage students to observe, interpretation, critical thinking, and engage in authentic investigation and review of the highly acclaimed, teachers and students.