Publication Date: December 10,2008 ISBN-10: 047007468X ISBN-13 :978-0,470,074,688 Edition: 5
Now in its fifth edition, this essential textbook has been used for thousands of students each year in the school building, engineering, and construction technology. Basic materials and methods best-selling reference focus in building construction, emphasizing common construction systems such as light wood frame, masonry load-bearing walls, steel structures, reinforced concrete. Management of processes, organization, constraints and choose the introductory material on the construction of new building to provide a better look. The new chapters covering the discovery of the secret of the building envelope design housing insulation, vapor retarder, aviation obstruction and humidity control. The fifth edition also has a thorough description of the method more isometric drawings detail drawings and revised photographs and the latest IBC 2006 CSI MasterFormat, ASTM reference, and LEED information.
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