Publication Date: December 18, 2009 ISBN-10: 0321657292 ISBN-13 :978-0321657299 Edition: 1
This is known usability testing can dramatically improve products for many years. However, a typical $ 5,000 to $ 10,000 price tag usability consultant to conduct the test, each round, it rarely happens.
Do not let the companions to this I think: a common sense way Steve Kruger network availability on usability testing methods, anyone can easily apply to your own website, application, or other products . (Do not let me think, as he said, “This is not rocket surgery”).
In this new book, Steve explains how to:
Test any design, from a sketch on a napkin in a fully functional Web site or application
Keep your focus, because did not have enough time or resources to solve these problems is the most important problem (on)
To solve these problems, you found him “at least you can do”
Through the pairing process, product testing and repair its essentials (A morning a month’s time, we asked), the rocket surgery team was able to early and frequent testing, eye-catching problems, and to solve these problems is still very easy to make reality. Rocket surgery easily mature combination of writing clear demonstration video, before and after examples, witty illustrations and practical advice, do not make me feel so welcome.
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