Publication Date: March 22, 2010 ISBN-10: 0470565152 ISBN-13 :978-0,470,565,155 Edition: 2
A comprehensive guide of the latest version of MATLAB
An important issue to provide you with concise coverage of numerical methods, this new version introduces the latest version of MATLAB software, and focuses on the use of anonymous functions instead of inline functions, with the purpose of sub-functions and nested functions.
I added the theme of a new chapter in the root locus and feature vector, and FFT. In addition, in the final chapter of the problems have increased, modify, and encourage you, in order to test the understanding of the material, but also to strengthen key concepts.
Reported that the latest version of the software includes a comprehensive update of the MATLAB
Focus on the use of anonymous function, rather than the use of inline functions, sub-functions and nested functions
A new chapter on the root locus, eigenvectors, and FFT
Add and modify the final chapter, to make the material more relevant
More applications from all branches of engineering
With this book, you will have a reliable source of information, an important issue for all of the numerical methods.
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