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Broken Camille Mackenzie, 2018
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781729478400

"It isn't in my nature to be gentle, Doll." His voice is tight with restrained passion. "I think I might break you." There it is the truth. Roman doesn't want to hurt me. He doesn't realize that all I have ever known is pain. In moments where I should've been pleasured, I was only given pain. Roman is promising pain too. Yet somehow, I know that Roman's pain is different. His pain speaks only of a pleasure. I want what his green eyes have been promising me since he saw me perform on stage tonight. "Break me Roman. I'm not as delicate as you think. Break me" My words cause Roman's eyes to fly open. The fight is gone. Only the storm remains and it's beautiful. I know now that I'm going to get exactly what I wished for.

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