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Persuasion: Reception And Responsibility Charles U. Larson, 2012
ISBN10: n/a    ISBN13: 9781111349271

Reflecting the latest practices and developments from the field, PERSUASION: RECEPTION AND RESPONSIBILITY, 13e, examines various aspects of popular culture--politics, mass media, advertising, and the Internet--as they exemplify critical theories of persuasion. Extremely student friendly, the lively Thirteenth Edition is packed with timely, real-life examples of persuasion in action that help students apply what they've learned to everyday life. The new edition offers expanded coverage of the impact of fast-growing social network media, while an increased emphasis on ethics ensures students consider ethical implications as they develop their own persuasion skills. Proven author Charles U. Larson--a respected professor and successful practitioner--weaves together persuasion theory, research, and ethics to help students develop skills as critical consumers of all forms of persuasion as well as understand their responsibilities as constant receivers of persuasive messages in today's 24/7 networked and media-saturated world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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