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Photography Barbara London, 2005
ISBN10: 0131896091    ISBN13: n/a

Why is this the #1 photography text year after year? Because no other source does so much so well. The eighth edition of Photography teaches the skills you need to use the medium confidently and effectively, emphasizing both technique and visual awareness. It features:, /P> Complete coverage. What you need to know about black-and-white and color photography, plus special techniques such as lighting, close-up photography, and more. Digital imaging. Two updated chapters on digital imaging reflect cutting- edge technology. An emphasis on seeing photographically. Includes not only technical information, but also insight about flaw to make your pictures better. The text gives special attention to the visual choices photographers make about elements such as sharpness, tonality, and cropping. An easy-to-follow format. Each topic is discussed on a set of facing pages using photos, drawings, text, and captions. New to this edition: Revised and updated digital-imaging chapters. Two new "Photographer at Work" profiles expand this popular coverage of contemporary photography. Updated coverage of color photography reflects changes in this dynamic field arid brings the text into the 21st century. Striking new fine-art images representing a range of photographic styles. Unique FREE online study resoiurce...The Companion Website For Students Interactive simulations and demonstrations that help you understand photo and lab processes. Chapter objectives that help you organize the key concepts for each chapter. Quizzes with multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in questions that give youinstant feedback and scores. A built-in e-mail routing option lets you forward quizzes to your instructor. Useful web links for each chapter as well as an online glossary. For Instructors The "Art Central" section includes teaching resources from the Instructor's Manual with lecture hints, class activities, and mare, coordinated to each chapter. This module is accessible through a password provided by your local Prentice Hall representative. The Syllabus Manager is an easy way to create and post your syllabus online.

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