Models of Proposal Planning & Writing / Edition 1: Jeremy T. Miner, Lynn E. Miner, Lynn E. Miner: 0275986969: 9780275986964

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Title: Models of Proposal Planning & Writing / Edition 1
Author: Jeremy T. Miner, Lynn E. Miner, Lynn E. Miner
ISBN-10: 0275986969
ISBN-13: 9780275986964

This book illustrates, in intimate detail previously unpublished, an integrated process of planning and writing persuasive proposals. The grantseekers will see the questions that the authors asked of themselves and those asked of sponsors before they developed a complete grant application. Grantseekers will read the actual proposals the authors submitted to private and public sponsors, including paragraph-by-paragraph analyses of the key features that made them persuasive. The authors provide an examination of the verbatim reviewer comments and grant award notification letters they received back from the sponsors. As a whole, these annotated models serve as a springboard from which grantseekers can begin to develop their own fundable proposals.