Medical Insurance for Pharmacy Technicians / Edition 1: Janet Liles, Cynthia Newby: 0073374164: 9780073374161

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Title: Medical Insurance for Pharmacy Technicians / Edition 1
Author: Janet Liles, Cynthia Newby
ISBN-10: 0073374164
ISBN-13: 9780073374161

T he Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Actof 2010 is everywhere described as the most ambitious andfar-reaching overhaul of financial regulation since the 1930s. TheAct was born of the severe financial crisis of 2007–2009 andthe Great Recession that followed. It attempts to fix parts of thefinancial architecture that failed in the crisis. The Act isalready being denounced by some for not going far enough to curbthe risky behavior of financial institutions, and condemned byothers for going too far and hampering innovation and efficiency infinancial markets. Following Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a FailedSystem, a forensic analysis of the financial crisis of2007–2009, forty NYU Stern faculty have produced this in-depthanalysis of the Dodd-Frank Act. It provides a comprehensivedescription of the important parts of the Act and a balancedassessment of its likely success as the new regulatory architecturefor the financial system. The Dodd-Frank Act, together with other regulatory reformsintroduced by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), theFederal Reserve, and other regulators as well as financial sectorreforms being put in place in Europe, is going to alter thestructure of financial markets in profound ways. The editors arguethat the Dodd-Frank Act provides much-needed improvements infinancial regulation but falls far short of what could have beenachieved. Today, it seems that everyone’s taking credit for predicting thenear collapse of America’s financial system that started in 2007.But, rather than looking to the past at what went wrong and who wasright, in Regulating Wall Street: The Dodd-Frank Act and the NewArchitecture of Global Finance, leading academics from New YorkUniversity’s Stern School of Business—each a specialist in arelevant discipline—turn their attentions to the newlegislation to regulate Wall Street in the future, and whether theresulting regulations will promote growth and prevent another nearcollapse of our financial system, or contribute to its catastrophicfailure. Edited by Viral Acharya, Thomas Cooley, Matthew Richardson, andIngo Walter, this book is essential reading for policymakers,business executives, and anyone who can benefit from having aclear, coherent, and rigorous framework for thinking about thefuture of global finance.