Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences: Jacob Cohen, Patricia Cohen, Stephen G. West, Leona S. Aiken: 9780805822236

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Publication Date: August 1, 2002 ISBN-10: 0805822232 ISBN-13 :978-0805822236 Edition:
Multiple regression of this classic text notes that the non-mathematical, applications and data analysis methods. Readers profit verbal elaboration of the concept and the frequent use of examples.

The focus of the application provides a clear illustration of the principle and the types of applications may provide a working example. Researchers learn how to specify regression models that directly address their research questions. The basic idea of the multiple regression analysis and comments bivariate correlation and regression an overview of the basic statistical concepts to understand the rest of the text provides a solid foundation. The third version of the graphics and the use of confidence intervals and economies of scale measures, and a corresponding the site data value with the computer code examples in SPSS, SAS, SYSTAT www.psypress, more and more attention. com/9780805822236.

Multiple regression as a textbook for graduate students and psychology, education, health sciences, communications, business, sociology, political science, anthropology, economics research in a reference tool. Introducing statistical knowledge is required. Self the separate chapters minimize the need researchers refer to the previous ch